Three Values We Provide to Our Customers

Catering to Increasingly Diversified Single-item Inventory Counting Needs

In addition to value inventory counting, which involves counting sales prices and quantities, we scan barcodes and process data according to customer needs as part of single-item inventory counting, a strength of the company. We provide reports in both electronic and paper form.

Objective Counting from an Independent Standpoint by Third Parties

We work independently of stores, home offices or headquarters, manufacturers, or suppliers, to provide objective inventory counting services.

Reducing the Need for Preparation and Post-processing Manpower

Inventory counting requires preparations such as procuring count tags and tabulation sheets and assigning roles to staff, as well as performing various checks and counts after inventory is tallied. All in all, it's a lot of work. Giving the job to us would eliminate almost all of this work.

Reducing the Manpower and Costs of Acquiring Inventory Counting Staff

When companies check their inventories, some costs are not easy to see.
For instance, looking for personnel from different departments to do the work can disrupt the everyday operations of those departments. In the world of today, it can be difficult to get help from one's brokers. And even when that help is available, numerous costs are incurred. However, you can eliminate nearly all of the time and costs involved by entrusting the entire inventory counting process to someone else. Maybe it's time to think about outsourcing your inventory counting?

Shortening and Improving Inventory Counting Time and Precision

As a company specializing in inventory counting, we provide highly accurate results in a short timeframe.

We Can Take Inventory Even While Stores are Preparing to Open

Our crew handles every aspect of the inventory counting process.
This let's your staff focus on their normal store duties.

Onsite Service FeaturesManpower & Inventory Solutions

We provide customers with a full spectrum of services.
This includes everything from gathering data, which requires manual labor, to the processing and managing of information.

  • We handle every aspect of inventory counting using complete systems
  • We send out equipment and highly-experienced crew that get results right away
  • We bring many years of experience and expertise

More than 30 years of experience.
Close to 1,000 companies served.
Many satisfied customers.

Specially-Designed Hardware and Software

  • Handheldscanners

    • As small and light as smartphones, allowing for stress-free use for even extended periods
    • Touch panel interface that provides intuitive usability for anyone
    • Mobile laser scanner that achieves a constant barcode scanning rate
    • Wireless data processing via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth
    • Can link with general-purpose equipment via a built-in USB port
  • Software

    • Inventory count data is prepared according to each customer's needs
    • Can gather and output a variety of data
    • Allows for handling all manner of inquiries made during an inventory count.
      Saves time when investigating and resolving issues.

Cloud-based Asset Management Support System - One of the Most
Advanced in the Inventory Counting Industry

Cloud-based system that ensures safe and speedy management of customers' data

Providing high quality inventory counting services and robust security systems

ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and JISQ 15001 certifications obtained

As a result of continual efforts to improve the full range of inventory counting services it provides, Asset Inventory, Inc. obtained ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 27001, ISO 27017 and JISQ 15001 certifications in 2006, 2009, 2016 and 2018, respectively.

Applicable standards ISO9001:2015 (JIS Q 9001:2015)
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 (JIS Q 27001:2014)
ISO/IEC 27017 (JIS Q 27017:2016)
Applicable standards
  1. Inventory counting services
  2. Business contracting and staffing services related to retail store operation
  3. Telemarketing service
  4. Interview appointment outsourcing
  5. Food delivery service for the elderly
  6. Operation and maintenance of systems as a cloud service provider offering inventory counting services and retail support services using IS-Next
  7. Recruitment for these service
Registration date JSAQ2347 (ISO9001)
JSAI091 (ISO27001)
JSAI091C (ISO27017)
JSAP001 (JISQ15001)
Registration date ISO9001:October 30, 2006
ISO/IEC 27001:July 13, 2009
ISO/IEC 27017:December 19, 2016
JISQ15001:November 20, 2018
date of expiry ISO9001:October 29, 2021
ISO/IEC 27001:July 12, 2021
ISO/IEC 27017:July 12, 2021
JISQ15001:November 19, 2021


Company Name Asset Inventory, Inc.
AddressHead Office Personal Building 1F, 4-3-23 Akebono, Kashiwa, Chiba Prefecture 277-0841
Tel: +81 (0)4-7147-7355 Fax: +81 (0)4-7147-7356
Established 6-Dec-90
Paid-in Capital
(Capital reserve)
JPY 50 million(JPY 50 million)
Director Sadaharu Hora, Chairman and Representative Director
Yoshiyasu Hora, President and Representative Director
Managing Executive Officer Yasuo Kishimoto
Executive Officers

Tsuyoshi Nose,
Takeshi Okoshi

Auditor Tomoya Hora
Employees About 1250(Group company total:About 1570)
Business Activities

Manual data gathering, and information processing
Manpower & Inventory Solution

★Inventory counting business

  • Physical inventory counting and tabulation Single item inventory counting: Data processing using a master file
    Value inventory checking: Tabulating sales prices and quantities for each department
    Asset accounting: Counting equipment, and preparing and submitting ledgers
  • Importing initial data (barcodes and quantities) from cash registers
  • Register-based inventory counting
  • Specialized inventory counting equipment rentals and associated services

★ Store DX support business

  • Electronic shelf label (ESL) installation agency
  • RFID introduction support
  • System introduction support for expiration date checks and selling price checks

★Data input and information processing business

  • Data journalizing, input, processing, and reporting

★ Comprehensive business (preventive care and daily life support comprehensive business)

  • Health growth business

 ∟Meal delivery service

  • Life support business

 ∟ Life support services

★ Recruitment support business

  • Recruitment consultation and application reception agency service